Give a Reiki gift certificate !
Looking to give a unique gift for a holiday, birthday, anniversary, or any other occasion? Consider a gift certificate for Reiki treatments or even for Reiki training. You can purchase a single Reiki session, or a series of 3 (recommended for best results), or even Reiki training at the appropriate class level for the recipient, from beginner to Master level.
You can place all orders in person, by email or by phone (voice/text to 914.450.3326), and pay via cash, credit/debit, Apple Pay, PayPal, Venmo or Zelle. The gift certificate will be personalized with the recipient's name, and can even be mailed OR emailed to you or directly to the recipient at no extra charge.
See pricing for Reiki treatments and classes below.

For Maryland/Delaware clients, I currently offer in-person Reiki treatments at my location or yours.
For these 60-minute sessions, you lie down -- fully dressed -- on a Reiki table (similar to a massage table). If using the table isn't feasible, you can receive treatment anywhere you are comfortable, including in a chair, wheelchair, sofa, or bed. Reiki treatments can also be conducted in hospitals, physical rehabilitation centers, nursing homes and hospices.
$120 cash, credit/debit, Apple Pay, PayPal, Venmo or Zelle
I also periodically conduct in-person Reiki treatments and classes (and other workshops) at other locations. See the schedule below.
I also offer Distance (aka"Absentee") Reiki treatments.
Since Reiki works with the energy field, Distance Reiki can be just as effective as in-person sessions for physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual healing. The exact same process is used on my end, and it doesn't matter whether you're in the next room or on the other side of the world, sitting quietly or busily going about your day. Spiritual principles and quantum physics both tell us that time and distance are illusions. Reiki connects directly to you wherever you are, whatever you're doing, and brings its healing energy to you. I've had excellent results with Distance Reiki for clients who are traveling on business, away at college, living internationally, or simply unable to schedule an in-person session.
At the conclusion of each distance session, I email feedback to you with the specific physical/mental/emotional/spiritual issues I worked on and any relevant perceptions I intuitively picked up during the session.
$120 credit/debit, Apple Pay, PayPal, Venmo or Zelle
Contact me at 914.450.3326 (voice/text) or szhealing33@gmail.com to schedule an in-person or Distance Reiki session for yourself, a loved one, or anyone else who could use some healing at this time.
See the list of classes below for registration information.
For these 60-minute sessions, you lie down -- fully dressed -- on a Reiki table (similar to a massage table). If using the table isn't feasible, you can receive treatment anywhere you are comfortable, including in a chair, wheelchair, sofa, or bed. Reiki treatments can also be conducted in hospitals, physical rehabilitation centers, nursing homes and hospices.
$120 cash, credit/debit, Apple Pay, PayPal, Venmo or Zelle
I also periodically conduct in-person Reiki treatments and classes (and other workshops) at other locations. See the schedule below.
I also offer Distance (aka"Absentee") Reiki treatments.
Since Reiki works with the energy field, Distance Reiki can be just as effective as in-person sessions for physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual healing. The exact same process is used on my end, and it doesn't matter whether you're in the next room or on the other side of the world, sitting quietly or busily going about your day. Spiritual principles and quantum physics both tell us that time and distance are illusions. Reiki connects directly to you wherever you are, whatever you're doing, and brings its healing energy to you. I've had excellent results with Distance Reiki for clients who are traveling on business, away at college, living internationally, or simply unable to schedule an in-person session.
At the conclusion of each distance session, I email feedback to you with the specific physical/mental/emotional/spiritual issues I worked on and any relevant perceptions I intuitively picked up during the session.
$120 credit/debit, Apple Pay, PayPal, Venmo or Zelle
Contact me at 914.450.3326 (voice/text) or szhealing33@gmail.com to schedule an in-person or Distance Reiki session for yourself, a loved one, or anyone else who could use some healing at this time.
See the list of classes below for registration information.
Upcoming Reiki Classes
Each class fee includes 9+ hours of training, plenty of hands-on experience for each technique covered, a binder of take-home materials, tools, references and resources, and a completion certificate suitable for framing.
- If you are interested in taking a Reiki class in Dobbs Ferry NY, contact the store at 914.231.6296 to register for a current class or get on the notification list for a future class. We'll contact all prospective students as soon as each class is scheduled.
March 23, 24 & 25, 6:30-9:30pm Reiki I Training at Custom Crystal Creations, Dobbs Ferry NY $150
No pre-requisite
This first level introduces the student to Reiki's marvelous, versatile healing energy and enables them to give treatments to themselves and their loved ones (human and otherwise!).
Even if you have no desire to become a professional Reiki practitioner, this is an opportunity to learn a healing skill with vast benefits -- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual -- to use for the rest of your life.
Contact the store at 914-231-6296 to register (sorry, no walk-ins).
April 27, 28, 29 & 30, 6:30-9:30pm Advanced Reiki Techniques Training at Custom Crystal Creations, Dobbs Ferry NY $350
Pre-requisite: Prior completion of both Reiki I & II (with any instructor)
NOTE: This is NOT the Reiki Master level.
This Advanced Reiki Techniques (ART) class will include:
- Additional Reiki attunement
- 2 new Reiki symbols
- Reiki meditations
- Reiki 'surgery'
- Multiple techniques for sending continuous healing
- Incorporating tools into your Reiki practice: crystals, grids, pendulums, essential oils, color, sound, and more.
- Each student also receives a pendulum and a set of healing crystals to keep.
Contact the store at 914-231-6296 to register (sorry, no walk-ins).
Upcoming Reiki Treatments in Public venues:
Payment for all locations accepted in cash, credit/debit, ApplePay, PayPal, Venmo or Zelle.
Readings and Reiki at Custom Crystal Creations, Dobbs Ferry NY
I'll be at Custom Crystal Creations 11:00am-6:00pm on the following date(s), offering Psychic Readings (mediumship, past life and/or general areas of interest), as well as Reiki treatments -- client's choice!
- Saturday, March 22nd
- Saturday, April 26th
30min@$60, 60min@$120
Give the gift of Reiki -- Gift certificates are available for any amount!
Reiki Training - General Info
I am certified as a Master Teacher in both the original Usui Reiki and a more recent off-shoot, Karuna Reiki. As such, I am qualified to teach all levels from Usui Reiki I through Karuna Master Teacher.
Classes are presented using techniques and manuals of the International Center for Reiki Training, as well as extensive supplemental materials I've developed over the years. Classes are scheduled to accommodate students' needs, including day, evening and/or weekend sessions.
Note that successful completion of each level is a prerequisite for the next level.
Each class fee includes:
Classes and Fees:
Classes are presented using techniques and manuals of the International Center for Reiki Training, as well as extensive supplemental materials I've developed over the years. Classes are scheduled to accommodate students' needs, including day, evening and/or weekend sessions.
Note that successful completion of each level is a prerequisite for the next level.
- Students for Reiki II and beyond must provide a copy of their completion certificate for the previous level (from any instructor).
- Students for any Karuna Reiki classes must already have their Usui Reiki Master certification.
Each class fee includes:
- 8+ hours of instruction and appropriate level's attunement
- Ample hands-on practice
- Take-home training materials, tools, references and resources
- Completion certificate suitable for framing
Classes and Fees:
- Usui Reiki I (Can treat self and loved ones (including animals!))
- Usui Reiki II (Professional certification to treat both in-person and absentee clients) - Usui Advanced Reiki Techniques (incorporate color, sound, crystals and more in Reiki sessions) - Usui Reiki Master (Learn how to teach Usui Reiki classes & give associated attunements) - Karuna Reiki Master (Covers Karuna Reiki I, II & Master techniques and symbols, plus learn how to teach Karuna Reiki classes & give associated attunements) Already certified for Usui Reiki I or II, but haven't used it in a long time? I also offer 1-day Refresher classes at half price. |
$300 $350 $400 $500 |